1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Aaron T. Beck: "Beberapa penulis telah mengkonseptualisasikan depresi...

"Beberapa penulis telah mengkonseptualisasikan depresi sebagai "sindrom deplesi" karena keunggulan kelelahan; mereka mendalilkan bahwa pasien menghabiskan energi yang tersedia selama periode sebelum timbulnya depresi dan bahwa keadaan depresi merupakan semacam hibernasi, di mana pasien secara bertahap membangun cerita energi baru."

--- Aaron T. Beck

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Some authors have conceptualized depression as a "depletion syndrome" because of the prominence of fatigability; they postulate that the patient exhausts his available energy during the period prior to the onset of the depression and that the depressed state represents a kind of hibernation, during which the patient gradually builds up a new story of energy.