1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Adam Rex: "Apakah ada koobish bertelinga pendek? Mmmyes ... 'kata...

"Apakah ada koobish bertelinga pendek? Mmmyes ... 'kata J.Lo. “Tapi secara teknis itu bukan benar-benar koobish. Lebih mirip semacam labu bernyanyi. ' Kami memiliki percakapan seperti ini sepanjang waktu, di mana saya akhirnya menyerah."

--- Adam Rex

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Is there a short-eared koobish, then?' Mmmyes ...' said J.Lo. 'But it is technically not really a koobish. Is more alike a kind of singing pumpkin.' We had conversations like these all the time, where I just eventually gave up.