1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ahdaf Soueif: "Dia salah berpikir itu tidak masalah baginya, ya, Dia m...

"Dia salah berpikir itu tidak masalah baginya, ya, Dia menerima begitu saja, tentu saja, tapi dia menerima begitu saja - tidak seperti mantel tua di sudut lemari gelap, seperti dia meletakkannya untuk dirinya sendiri, tetapi seperti udara yang dia hirup."

--- Ahdaf Soueif

Versi Bahasa Inggris

She had been wrong to think it wouldn't matter that much to him, yes,He took her for granted, of course he did , but he took her for granted - not like an old coat in the corner of a dark cupboard, as she'd put it to herself , but like the very air that he breathed .