1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Al Feldstein: "Sayangnya, industri buku komik bukan seperti dulu. Anak...

"Sayangnya, industri buku komik bukan seperti dulu. Anak-anak tidak lagi tertarik membaca buku komik; mereka punya televisi dan permainan elektronik yang bisa mereka kubur sendiri seperti burung unta. Mereka tidak perlu memperhatikan apa yang terjadi di dunia di sekitar mereka."

--- Al Feldstein

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The comic-book industry today is not what it was back then, unfortunately. Kids are no longer interested in reading comic books; they've got television and the electronic games that they can bury themselves in like ostriches. They don't have to pay attention to what's going on in the world around them.