1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Aldous Huxley: "Apa musuh terbesar agama Kristen saat ini? Daging beku...

"Apa musuh terbesar agama Kristen saat ini? Daging beku. Di masa lalu hanya anggota kelas atas yang benar-benar skeptis, putus asa, negatif. Mengapa? Di antara alasan lain, karena merekalah satu-satunya orang yang mampu makan terlalu banyak daging. Sekarang ada domba Canterbury murah dan daging sapi Argentina dingin. Bahkan orang miskin mampu meracuni diri mereka sendiri menjadi skeptisisme dan keputusasaan total."

--- Aldous Huxley

Versi Bahasa Inggris

What's the greatest enemy of Christianity to-day? Frozen meat. In the past only members of the upper classes were thoroughly sceptical, despairing, negative. Why? Among other reasons, because they were the only people who could afford to eat too much meat. Now there's cheap Canterbury lamb and Argentine chilled beef. Even the poor can afford to poison themselves into complete scepticism and despair.