1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Alice Sebold: "Mau tak mau saya berpikir, ketika saya memperhatikannya...

"Mau tak mau saya berpikir, ketika saya memperhatikannya, tentang barel cairan beracun yang timbul di belakang toko sepeda Hal di mana semak belukar di rel kereta api telah menawarkan perusahaan lokal cukup banyak perlindungan untuk membuang satu atau dua kontaner yang tersesat. Semuanya telah disegel, tetapi segalanya mulai bocor. Aku merasa kasihan dan menghormati Len selama bertahun-tahun sejak ibuku pergi. Dia mengikuti fisik untuk mencoba memahami hal-hal yang tidak mungkin untuk dipahami. Dalam hal itu, aku bisa melihat, dia seperti aku."

--- Alice Sebold

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I couldn't help but think, as I watched him, of the barrels of toxic fluids that had accrued behind Hal's bike shop where the scrub lining the railroad tracks had offered local companies enough cover to dump a stray contaner or two. Everything had been sealed up, but things were beginning to leak out. I had come to both pity and respect Len in the years since my mother left. He followed the physical to try to understand things that were impossible to comphrehend. In that, I could see, he was like me.