1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ally Carter: "Begitu dia dekat, dia berbisik, "kamu harus keluar...

"Begitu dia dekat, dia berbisik, "kamu harus keluar dari sini." "Tidak, kamu harus keluar dari sini," katanya. "Turun. Pergi sekarang." "Tidak," balasnya. "Kamu pergi." "Mengapa?" Dia bertanya. "Kamu beritahu aku dulu." Tapi sebelum mereka bisa mengatakan sepatah kata pun, lift terakhir meluncur perlahan terbuka dan dua pria bertopeng bergegas keluar. Dari sisi berlawanan dari ruang dansa, tembakan terdengar, tembakan cepat, menembus langit-langit, plester jatuh ke lantai dansa seperti salju. Dan kemudian Hale dan Macey berbisik serentak, "Karena itu."

--- Ally Carter

Versi Bahasa Inggris

As soon as she was close, she whispered, "you've got to get out of here." "No, you've got to get out of here," he told her. "Go downstairs. Go now." "No," she countered. "You go." "Why?" he asked. "You tell me first." But before they could say another word, the last elevator slid slowly open and two men in masks rushed out. From the opposite side of the of the ballroom, shots rang out, rapid fire, piercing the ceiling, plaster falling onto the dance floor like snow. And then Hale and Macey whispered in unison, "Because of that.