1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ally Carter: "Anda tahu, Greg, ibu saya sedang melalui fase kucing. &q...

"Anda tahu, Greg, ibu saya sedang melalui fase kucing. "Blinky orang Persia," kata Hale sederhana, seolah-olah itu menjelaskan semuanya. "Binky punya kebiasaan buruk menumpahkan seluruh perabot ruang tamu, kau tahu." Gregory Wainwright mengangguk seolah dia mengerti dengan sempurna. "Jadi kami harus membeli perabot ruang tamu yang baru, yang sayangnya tidak cocok dengan Monet." Kat berdiri di sana sejenak, menatap ke jendela kecil dunia tempat seseorang akan bosan dengan Monet hanya karena bentrok dengan sofa."

--- Ally Carter

Versi Bahasa Inggris

You see, Greg, my mother is going through a feline phase. Blinky is a Persian,' Hale said simply, as if that should explain everything. 'Binky has a nasty habit of shedding all over the living room furniture, you see.' Gregory Wainwright nodded as if he understood perfectly. 'And so we had to get new living room furniture, which, unfortunately, does not go with the Monet.' Kat stood there for a moment, staring into that small window of the world where someone would tire of a Monet simply because it clashed with the couch.