1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Andre Gide: "Obsesi dari Timur, padang pasir, semangatnya dan kekosong...

"Obsesi dari Timur, padang pasir, semangatnya dan kekosongannya, bayang-bayang taman palem, pakaian putih dan obsesi luas di mana indera mengamuk, di mana saraf jengkel, dan yang membuat saya, pada awalnya setiap malam, percaya bahwa tidur mustahil."

--- Andre Gide

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Obsessions of the Orient, of the desert, of its ardor and its emptiness, of the shadows of palm gardens, of the garments white and wide - obsessions where the senses go berserk, where nerves are exasperated, and which made me, at the onset of each night, believe sleep impossible.