1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Andrea Bocelli: "Jika Anda bisa memiliki lengan Hercules, kaki secepat...

"Jika Anda bisa memiliki lengan Hercules, kaki secepat angin. Jika Anda bisa melompati bahu tinggi di atas pelek, dapatkan tendangan lumba-lumba, refleks kucing. Jika Anda dapat memiliki semua ini, Anda akan memiliki tubuh, Anda akan memiliki alat. Tetapi Anda tidak akan memiliki kehebatan sampai Anda memahami bahwa otot terkuat adalah jantung. Bagi saya, itulah jiwa Olimpiade."

--- Andrea Bocelli

Versi Bahasa Inggris

If you could have the arms of Hercules, legs as swift as the wind. If you could leap shoulder high above the rim, have the kick of a dolphin, the reflexes of a cat. If you could have all these, you would have the body, you would have the tools. But you would not have greatness until you understand that the strongest muscle is the heart. To me, that's the soul of the Olympic Games.