1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Arundhati Roy: "Ngomong-ngomong, sekarang dia menganggap Estha dan Rah...

"Ngomong-ngomong, sekarang dia menganggap Estha dan Rahel sebagai Mereka, karena, secara terpisah, mereka berdua tidak lagi seperti yang pernah atau pernah mereka pikirkan. Pernah. Kehidupan mereka sekarang memiliki ukuran dan bentuk. Estha memiliki miliknya dan milik Rahel. Tepi, Perbatasan, Batas, Batas dan Batas telah muncul seperti tim troll di cakrawala masing-masing. Makhluk pendek dengan bayangan panjang, berpatroli di Blurry End. Setengah bulan lembut telah berkumpul di bawah mata mereka dan mereka setua Ammu ketika dia meninggal."

--- Arundhati Roy

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Anyway, now she thinks of Estha and Rahel as Them, because, separately, the two of them are no longer what They were or ever thought They would be. Ever. Their lives have a size and a shape now. Estha has his and Rahel hers. Edges, Borders, Boundaries, Brinks and Limits have appeared like a team of trolls on their separate horizons. Short creatures with long shadows, patrolling the Blurry End. Gentle half-moons have gathered under their eyes and they are as old as Ammu was when she died.