1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Bernard Lonergan: "Karena di bidang di mana makna bersifat konstitutif...

"Karena di bidang di mana makna bersifat konstitutif, kebebasan manusia mencapai titik tertinggi. Di sana juga tanggung jawabnya terbesar. Di sana muncul kemunculan subjek eksistensial, mencari tahu untuk dirinya sendiri bahwa ia harus memutuskan untuk dirinya sendiri apa yang harus dibuat untuk dirinya sendiri."

--- Bernard Lonergan

Versi Bahasa Inggris

For it is in the field where meaning is constitutive that man's freedom reaches its highest point. There too his responsibility is greatest. There there occurs the emergence of his existential subject, finding out for himself that he has to decide for himself what he is to make of himself.