1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Bernardo Bertolucci: "Kehidupan sebelum '68 sangat berbeda dari ke...

"Kehidupan sebelum '68 sangat berbeda dari kehidupan setelah '68. Sebelum '68, hari-hari kami penuh dengan momen otoriter. Ada otoritas di mana-mana. Sebenarnya, gerakan '68 adalah kaum muda melawan otoritas mereka, anak-anak melawan orangtua mereka. Dan itu tetap ada. Yang paling penting dari semuanya, hal yang bertahan, adalah gerakan feminis pertama dan posisi perempuan dalam masyarakat. Itu benar-benar berubah dan itu sangat, sangat penting."

--- Bernardo Bertolucci

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The life before '68 was very different from the life after '68. Before '68, our days were full of authoritarian moments. There were authorities everywhere. In fact, the movement of '68 was young people against their authorities, children against their parents. And that remained. The most important thing of all, the thing that lasted, was the first feminist movement and the position of women in society. That completely changed and that was very, very important.