1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Bob Feller: "Meskipun kami tidak menyukai Yankees, penggemar dan pemai...

"Meskipun kami tidak menyukai Yankees, penggemar dan pemain, mereka bagus untuk baseball. Mereka secara konsisten tidak berhasil seperti Brown, Senator, dan A membayar banyak tagihan dengan kerumunan besar yang masuk melalui gerbang ketika keluarga Yankees datang ke kota."

--- Bob Feller

Versi Bahasa Inggris

As much as we disliked the Yankees, fans and players alike, they were good for baseball. They consistently unsuccessful teams like the Browns, Senators, and A's paid a lot of their bills with those big crowds that poured through the gates when the Yankees came to town.