1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Bode Miller: "Saya harus berpikir tentang torsi pergelangan kaki, di m...

"Saya harus berpikir tentang torsi pergelangan kaki, di mana sekrup berada di ski, bagaimana hal itu mempengaruhi kekuatan masuk ke ski dan bagaimana ski menekuk, poin leverage Anda. Itu sebuah tantangan. Saya memiliki waktu terbaik, membuat kesalahan, menabrak."

--- Bode Miller

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I had to think about ankle torsion, where the screws are on the ski, how that affects the forces going into the ski and how the ski bends, your leverage points. It was a challenge. I was having the greatest time, making the mistakes, crashing.