1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Brian Ebejer: "Kami telah menandatangani dengan Artemis Records. Awaln...

"Kami telah menandatangani dengan Artemis Records. Awalnya mereka adalah distributor kami untuk 'Terapi Kelompok'. Mantan manajer saya (Chip Quigley) memulai label rekaman (Recon Records) dan memiliki Artemis Records sebagai distributor mereka. Sayangnya, cara label dijalankan berarti tidak seperti yang kami kira. Kami hanya masuk ke sesuatu yang berbeda dengan apa yang awalnya kami pikirkan"

--- Brian Ebejer

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We have signed with Artemis Records. Originally they were our distributor for 'Group Therapy'. My former manager (Chip Quigley) started a record label (Recon Records) and had Artemis Records as their distributor. Unfortunately, the way the label was run meant that it didn't turn out the way that we thought it was going to be. We simply got into something that was different to what we initially thought