Bryant Terry: "Saya mendapat telepon pada suatu pagi dari Oran Hesterm...
"Saya mendapat telepon pada suatu pagi dari Oran Hesterman, yang adalah presiden Fair Food Foundation, mengatakan bahwa Fair Food Foundation ditutup secara efektif pada hari itu, karena mereka terjebak dalam skandal Madoff. Itu memengaruhi saya karena persekutuan yang saya miliki sebagian didanai oleh Fair Food Foundation. Itu berarti bahwa persekutuan saya hampir tidak ada dan kosong."
Versi Bahasa Inggris
I got a call one morning from Oran Hesterman, who was the president of the Fair Food Foundation, saying that the Fair Food Foundation was shutting down effectively as of that day, because they'd been caught up in the Madoff scandal. It affected me because the fellowship that I had was actually funded in part by the Fair Food Foundation. That meant that my fellowship was pretty much null and void.
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