1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

C. S. Lewis: "Dia tidak menyebut ayah dan ibunya 'Ayah' dan &#...

"Dia tidak menyebut ayah dan ibunya 'Ayah' dan 'Ibu' tetapi Harold dan Alberta. Mereka sangat up to date dan orang-orang lanjut. Mereka adalah vegetarian, bukan perokok dan tidak merokok, dan mengenakan pakaian dalam jenis khusus. Di rumah mereka ada perabot yang sangat sedikit dan sangat sedikit pakaian di tempat tidur dan jendela selalu terbuka."

--- C. S. Lewis

Versi Bahasa Inggris

He didn't call his father and mother 'Father' and 'Mother' but Harold and Alberta. They were very up to date and advanced people. They were vegetarians, non-smokers and teetotalers, and wore a special kind of underclothes. In their house there was very little furniture and very few clothes on the beds and the windows were always open.