1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cappie Pondexter: "Dalam hal bermain, tentu saja, Eropa jelas lebih pi...

"Dalam hal bermain, tentu saja, Eropa jelas lebih pintar daripada bermain di WNBA. Saya pikir mereka lebih terampil dalam hal kemampuan keseluruhan. Dan di sini di Amerika, di WNBA, kami hanya bertanding atletik dan hanya bermain."

--- Cappie Pondexter

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In terms of playing, of course, Europe is definitely more finesse than playing in the WNBA. I think they're more skilled in terms of the overall ability. And here in the States, in the WNBA, we just kind of play off athleticism and just play.