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Cassandra Clare: "Dia harus berpikir dia adalah putra Michael Wayland,...

"Dia harus berpikir dia adalah putra Michael Wayland, atau Lightwoods tidak akan melindunginya seperti mereka. Michaellah yang menjadi hutang mereka, bukan aku. Itu karena Michael, mereka mencintainya, bukan milikku. "" Mungkin mereka mencintainya karena dirinya sendiri, "kata Clary."

--- Cassandra Clare

Versi Bahasa Inggris

He had to think he was Michael Wayland’s son, or the Lightwoods would not have protected him as they did. It was Michael they owed a debt to, not me. It was on Michael’s account that they loved him, not mine.” “Maybe they loved him on his own account,” said Clary.