1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cassandra Clare: "Ini moto saya, "kata Isabelle, dengan senyum ge...

"Ini moto saya, "kata Isabelle, dengan senyum gerah. 'Tidak kurang dari tujuh inci.' Meliorn menatapnya dengan kaku. "Aku sedang berbicara tentang tumitku," katanya. Kamu tahu? Sebuah drama di- "" Ayo, "kata ksatria peri itu." Sang Ratu akan menjadi tidak sabar. "Dia berjalan menyusuri koridor tanpa melirik Isabelle kedua." Aku lupa, "gumam Isabelle ketika mereka semua menyusul. dia. "Para peri tidak punya selera humor." "Oh, aku tidak akan mengatakan itu," kata Jace. "Ada klub malam peri bernama Hot Wings. Tidak, "tambahnya," bahwa saya pernah ke sana."

--- Cassandra Clare

Versi Bahasa Inggris

It's my motto," said Isabelle, with a sultry smile. 'Nothing less than seven inches.' Meliorn gazed at her stonily. 'I'm talking about my heels,' she said. " It's a pun. You know? A play on-" "Come," the faerie knight said. "The Queen will be growing impatient." He headed down the corridor without giving Isabelle a second glance. "I forgot," Isabelle muttered as the rest of them caught up to her. " Faeries have no sense of humor." "Oh, I wouldn't say that," said Jace. "There's a pixie night club called Hot Wings. Not," he added," that I have ever been there.