1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cassandra Clare: "Kali ini Clary berkonsentrasi, berusaha memusatkan p...

"Kali ini Clary berkonsentrasi, berusaha memusatkan pikirannya pada Simon-Simon-nya, bentuk cara berpikirnya, perasaan mendengar suaranya, perasaan dia dekat. Bisikannya, rahasianya, cara dia membuatnya tertawa. 'Jadi', pikirnya dalam percakapan, 'sekarang aku ada di benakmu, ingin melihat beberapa gambar mental telanjang Jace?' Simon melompat. "Aku dengar itu! Dan, tidak."

--- Cassandra Clare

Versi Bahasa Inggris

This time Clary concentrated, trying to focus her mind on Simon-The Simon-ness of him, the shape of the way he thought, the feeling of hearing his voice, the sence of him close. His whispers, his secrets, the way he made her laugh. 'So', she thought conversationally, 'now that I'm in your mind, wnat to see some naked mental pictures of Jace?' Simon jumped. "I heard that! And, no.