1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cassandra Clare: "Kita seharusnya tidak, ”protes Isabelle. "Clave...

"Kita seharusnya tidak, ”protes Isabelle. "Clave punya rencana." "Clave memiliki kecerdasan kolektif nanas," kata Jace. Alec berkedip pada mereka. "Jace benar." Isabelle menghidupkan saudaranya. "Apa yang Anda tahu? Anda bahkan tidak memperhatikan. "" Memang, "kata Alec, terluka. "Aku bilang Jace benar." "Ya, tapi ada kemungkinan 90% aku benar sebagian besar waktu, jadi itu bukan bukti kamu mendengarkan," kata Jace. “Itu hanya tebakan yang bagus."

--- Cassandra Clare

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We shouldn’t,” protested Isabelle. “The Clave has a plan.” “The Clave has the collective intelligence of a pineapple,” said Jace. Alec blinked up at them. “Jace is right.” Isabelle turned on her brother. “What do you know? You weren’t even paying attention.” “I was,” Alec said, injured. “I said Jace was right.” “Yeah, but there’s like a 90% chance of me being right most of the time, so that’s not proof you were listening,” said Jace. “That’s just a good guess.