1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Catherine Hicks: "Saya memperhatikan jurusan drama di kampus ketika sa...

"Saya memperhatikan jurusan drama di kampus ketika saya berada di Notre Dame. Mereka sepertinya roh yang lebih bebas daripada kita semua. Ada sukacita dalam pekerjaan mereka; hanya mereka yang mempelajari sesuatu yang karyanya membuat mereka bahagia. Saya iri itu."

--- Catherine Hicks

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I noticed the drama majors on campus when I was at Notre Dame. They just seemed to be freer spirits than the rest of us. There was joy in their work; they were the only ones studying something whose work made them happy. I envied that.