1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Charles Landry: "Orang Jerman sering terlalu birokratis, terlalu terpa...

"Orang Jerman sering terlalu birokratis, terlalu terpaku pada aturan dan tidak cukup berorientasi pada risiko. Dan beberapa pejabat mereka merasa bahwa mereka perlu membuat segala sesuatu di Cityscape terlihat bagus dan secepat mungkin. Itu khususnya terlihat di bekas Jerman Timur setelah penyatuan kembali. Maka kota-kota terkadang menjadi agak terlalu rapi dan rapi."

--- Charles Landry

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Germans are often too bureaucratic, too fixated on rules and not risk-oriented enough. And some of their officials have the feeling that they need to make everything in the cityscape look nice and pretty as quickly as possible. That was particularly apparent in the former East Germany after reunification. Then cities sometimes get a bit too neat and tidy.