1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Charlize Theron: "Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada mode di mana bintang be...

"Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada mode di mana bintang besar [akan] mendapat kredit produksi dan Anda akan bertanya-tanya, dan orang-orang seperti, "Tidak, mereka tidak menghasilkan, mereka hanya mengambil kredit." Saya terperangah. Jadi ketika saya mulai, orang-orang merasa aneh dengan kenyataan bahwa saya seperti, "Berapa lama persiapan kita? Saya akan datang seminggu sebelum itu." Mereka seperti, "Kami tidak menembak selama enam minggu.""

--- Charlize Theron

Versi Bahasa Inggris

A while back there was this fad where a big star [would get] a producing credit and you'd ask around, and people were like, "No, they didn't produce, they just took the credit." I was flabbergasted. So when I started, people were weirded out by the fact that I was like, "How long is our prep? I'll come a week before that." They were like, "We're not shooting for six weeks."