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Charlotte Gerson: "... Editorial Journal AMA, 8 Januari 1949, membahas...

"... Editorial Journal AMA, 8 Januari 1949, membahas Terapi Gerson di bawah judul 'Frauds and Fables'. Pada waktu itu, pengacara Dr. Gerson menulis surat kepada JAMA, mengancam gugatan pencemaran nama baik ... Editorial dicabut ... (meninggalkan) kolom yang kosong."

--- Charlotte Gerson

Versi Bahasa Inggris

...An editorial of the Journal AMA, Jan 8, 1949, discussed the Gerson Therapy under the heading 'Frauds and Fables'. At that time, Dr. Gerson's lawyer wrote a letter to the JAMA, threatening a suit for libel...The editorial was withdrawn...(leaving) columns which were blank.