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Christopher Bollen: "Ada adegan hebat di The Texas Chain Saw Massacre...

"Ada adegan hebat di The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] yang saya terobsesi: Sally dikejar oleh Leatherface dengan gergaji ... Dan dia berlari ke semak duri. Dan dia terlibat di dalamnya karena dia berlari cepat ... Tapi Sally harus bergerak perlahan untuk melewati semak-semak - dia akan semakin lebih cepat dengan berjalan perlahan karena rambut dan pakaiannya tidak akan kusut dan tertangkap. Ada sesuatu yang sangat indah dalam memahami hal itu, ketika seseorang mengejar Anda dengan gergaji mesin, Anda harus bergerak lebih lambat untuk melarikan diri."

--- Christopher Bollen

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There’s a great scene in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] that I’m obsessed with: Sally is being chased by Leatherface with a chainsaw... And she runs into thorn bushes. And she’s getting tangled up in it because she’s running fast... But Sally needs to move slowly in order to get through the bushes - she will get farther faster by going slowly because her hair and clothes won’t get tangled and caught. There’s something really beautiful about understanding that, while someone’s chasing you with a chainsaw, you have to move more slowly in order to get away.