1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Chuck Palahniuk: "Polisi bertanya melalui pintu kamar, mengapa saya me...

"Polisi bertanya melalui pintu kamar, mengapa saya membuat setumpuk strawberry daiquiris sebelum saya memanggil mereka? Karena kami kehabisan raspberry. Karena, tidak bisakah mereka melihat, itu tidak masalah. Waktu bukan dari esensi."

--- Chuck Palahniuk

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The police are asking through the bedroom door, why did I make a batch of strawberry daiquiris before I called them? Because we were out of raspberries. Because, can't they see, it just does not matter. Time was not of the essence.