1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cornel West: "Dalam praktik cinta radikal, Anda merangkul umat manusia...

"Dalam praktik cinta radikal, Anda merangkul umat manusia, tetapi Anda memang memberikan preferensi - sangat mirip Yesus - untuk yang paling kecil, yang lemah, yang rentan. Itu termasuk putih miskin dan cokelat buruk, serta miskin di ghetto hitam."

--- Cornel West

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In the practice of radical love, you are embracing human beings across the board, but you do give a preference - very much like Jesus - to the least of these, to the weak, to the vulnerable. That includes poor whites and poor browns, as well as the poor in black ghettos.