1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

D. J. MacHale: "Aku berdiri di jalan, menatap rumah yang paling normal...

"Aku berdiri di jalan, menatap rumah yang paling normal di dunia. Rumahku. Saya telah tinggal di sana sepanjang hidup saya. Itu rumah. Itu aman. Itu berhantu. Satu-satunya penjelasan lain adalah saya gila. Saya tidak bisa mengatakan yang saya rooting."

--- D. J. MacHale

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I stood on the street, staring up at the most normal-looking house in the world. My house. I'd lived there my entire life. It was home. It was safe. It was haunted. The only other explanation was that I was demented. I couldn't say which I was rooting for.