1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Dan Povenmire: "[Marsh] Swampy dan aku tinggal sejauh mungkin satu sam...

"[Marsh] Swampy dan aku tinggal sejauh mungkin satu sama lain dari yang kami bisa dan masih bekerja bersama. Tapi kami selalu merasa seolah-olah kami lebih lucu ketika kami berada di kamar bersama daripada saat kami terpisah."

--- Dan Povenmire

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Swampy [ Marsh] and I live as far away from each other as we possibly can and still work together. But we just always felt like we were funnier when we were in the room together than we are when we're separate.