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Dave Barry: "Organisasi Berita AS merayakan peringatan 11 September de...

"Organisasi Berita AS merayakan peringatan 11 September dengan investigasi tentang kerentanan berkelanjutan negara terhadap terorisme. Pertama, New York Daily News melaporkan bahwa dua reporternya membawa pemotong kotak, pisau cukur, dan semprotan merica pada empat belas penerbangan komersial tanpa tertangkap. Kemudian ABC News melaporkan bahwa mereka menyelundupkan uranium seberat lima belas pound ke New York City. Kemudian Fox News melaporkan bahwa itu menerbangkan Osama bin Laden ke Washington, DC, dan merekamnya berkeliling di Gedung Putih."

--- Dave Barry

Versi Bahasa Inggris

U.S. News Organizations observe the anniversary of September 11 with investigations about the nation's continuing vulnerability to terrorism. First, the New York Daily News reports that two of its reporters carried box cutters, razor kinves, and pepper spray on fourteen commerical flights without getting caught. Then ABC News reports that it smuggled fifteen pounds of uranium into New York City. Then Fox News reports that it flew Osama bin Laden to Washington, D.C., and videotaped him touring the White House.