1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

David C. Driskell: "Murid-murid saya sering berkata, seperti Mary O&#3...

"Murid-murid saya sering berkata, seperti Mary O'Neal, bahwa saya mengidentifikasi siswa dengan hubungan pacar mereka. Itulah cara saya mengenal mereka dan mengikuti mereka. Mary adalah pacar Stokely Carmichael. Dia kemudian menjadi seorang pelukis yang baik tentang perbedaan dan mengajar di San Francisco Art Institute, dan kemudian menjadi ketua Departemen Seni di Berkeley."

--- David C. Driskell

Versi Bahasa Inggris

My students used to say, one such as Mary O'Neal, that I identified the students by their boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. That was the way I knew them and keep up with them. Mary was the girlfriend of Stokely Carmichael. She later became a fine painter of distinction and taught at the San Francisco Art Institute, and later became chairman of the Department of Art at Berkeley.