1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

David Copperfield: "Ketika tiba saatnya untuk mengatakan, "Bu, sa...

"Ketika tiba saatnya untuk mengatakan, "Bu, saya ingin melakukan ini sebagai pekerjaan," itu brutal. Dia benar-benar menentangnya. Ada korek api. Beberapa orang ditutup oleh hal itu dan dikalahkan olehnya, dan orang lain diberdayakan oleh negativitas. Ayah saya semacam mendorong saya melalui itu."

--- David Copperfield

Versi Bahasa Inggris

When the time came to say, "Mom, I want to do this as a job," it was brutal. She was really against it. There were screaming matches. Some people are shut down by that and get defeated by it, and other people are empowered by the negativity. My father kind of encouraged me through that.