1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

David Simon: "Baltimore sering disebut kota paling selatan di utara. I...

"Baltimore sering disebut kota paling selatan di utara. Ia memiliki esensi yang berbeda. Ini jelas post-industri, jelas Rust Belt, sangat kelas pekerja. Saya tumbuh di luar Washington, dan saya merasa saya pindah ke tempat yang sama sekali berbeda ketika saya pindah 30 mil ke utara dari perguruan tinggi."

--- David Simon

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Baltimore's often called the most northern Southern town. It has a distinct essence. It's definitely post-industrial, definitely Rust Belt, very working-class. I grew up outside of Washington, and I felt I was moving to a completely different place when I moved 30 miles north out of college.