1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Dean Baquet: "Kami, di New York Times, belum menemukan cara mengembang...

"Kami, di New York Times, belum menemukan cara mengembangkan pembaca internasional kami. Kami memulai situs web di China, yang diblokir oleh pemerintah Cina, tetapi memiliki pembaca yang cukup sehat. The Guardian, misalnya, telah mendapatkan pertumbuhan luar biasa melalui situs webnya di AS. Kita harus mencari tahu bagaimana mencari pembaca di berbagai belahan dunia."

--- Dean Baquet

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We, in the New York Times, have not yet figured out how to grow our international readership. We started a website in China, which the Chinese government has blocked, but it has a pretty healthy readership. The Guardian, for instance, has gotten tremendous growth through its website in the US. We have to figure out how to go after readership in different parts of the world.