1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Deng Xiaoping: "Pengaruh Geng Empat seharusnya tidak diremehkan, tetap...

"Pengaruh Geng Empat seharusnya tidak diremehkan, tetapi perlu dicatat bahwa 97 atau 98 persen penduduk membenci mereka karena kejahatan mereka. Ini ditunjukkan oleh gerakan massa melawan Geng Empat yang meletus di Lapangan Tiananmen pada 5 April 1976, ketika Geng masih naik tinggi, Ketua Mao sakit parah dan Perdana Menteri Zhou telah meninggal dunia."

--- Deng Xiaoping

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The influence of the Gang of Four should not be underrated, but it should be noted that 97 or 98 per cent of the population hate them intensely for their crimes. This was shown by the mass movement against the Gang of Four which erupted at Tiananmen Square on April 5, 1976, when the Gang were still riding high, Chairman Mao was critically ill and Premier Zhou had passed away.