1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Derek Taylor: "Saya pikir selalu ada mitos bahwa para pelaut membawa c...

"Saya pikir selalu ada mitos bahwa para pelaut membawa catatan di ransel mereka seolah-olah Anda bisa ... di toko-toko lokal. Saya pikir mungkin beberapa lagu masuk dengan para pelaut dan mungkin mereka bersiul beberapa hal di jalanan dengan telinga yang tajam karena."

--- Derek Taylor

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think there's always been a myth that sailors brought in records in their knapsacks as if you could ... in the local shops. I think that maybe some songs did come in with the sailors and maybe they did whistle some of the things in the streets in sharp ears because.