Diana Wynne Jones: "Tn. Crossley tiba-tiba bertanya-tanya mengapa dia...
"Tn. Crossley tiba-tiba bertanya-tanya mengapa dia mengapa dia mengkhawatirkan surat itu. Lagipula itu hanya lelucon. Dia berdeham. Semua orang memandang penuh harap. 'Seseorang,' kata Tuan Crossley, 'sepertinya mengirimi saya pesan Halloween.' Dan dia membacakan catatan: 'SESEORANG DI KELAS INI ADALAH PENARIKAN. 6B mengira ini adalah berita bagus. Tangan-tangan terangkat ke atas ruangan seperti tempat tidur kacang. "Ini aku, Tuan Crossley!" 'Pak. Crossley, aku penyihir! ' "Bisakah saya menjadi penyihir, Tuan Crossley?" 'Saya, Tuan Crossley, saya, saya, saya!"
--- Diana Wynne JonesVersi Bahasa Inggris
Mr. Crossley suddenly wondered why he was why he was worrying about the note. It was only a joke, after all. He cleared his throat. Everyone looked up hopefully. 'Somebody,' said Mr. Crossley, 'seems to have sent me a Halloween message.' And he read out the note: 'SOMEONE IN THIS CLASS IS A WITCH.' 6B thought this was splendid news. Hands shot up all over the room like a bed of beansprouts. 'It's me, Mr. Crossley!' 'Mr. Crossley, I'm the witch!' 'Can I be the witch, Mr. Crossley?' 'Me, Mr. Crossley, me, me, me!
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