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Dinesh D'Souza: "Apakah Anda percaya akan keberadaan Socrates? Alexand...

"Apakah Anda percaya akan keberadaan Socrates? Alexander yang Agung? Julius Caesar? Jika historisitas ditegakkan dengan catatan tertulis dalam banyak salinan yang berasal dari sumber-sumber kontemporer, ada jauh lebih banyak bukti bagi keberadaan Kristus daripada bagi mereka."

--- Dinesh D'Souza

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Do you believe in the existence of Socrates? Alexander the Great? Julius Caesar? If historicity is established by written records in multiple copies that date originally from near contemporaneous sources, there is far more proof for Christ's existence than for any of theirs.