Edward Gibbon: "Selama permainan Circus, dia, secara sembrono atau sen...
"Selama permainan Circus, dia, secara sembrono atau sengaja, melakukan pembebasan seorang budak di hadapan konsul. Pada saat dia diingatkan bahwa dia telah melakukan pelanggaran di yurisdiksi hakim lain, dia mengutuk dirinya sendiri untuk membayar denda sepuluh pound emas, dan merangkul kesempatan publik ini untuk menyatakan kepada dunia bahwa dia tunduk, seperti teman-temannya yang lain. warga negara, ke hukum, dan bahkan ke bentuk, dari republik."
--- Edward GibbonVersi Bahasa Inggris
During the games of the Circus, he had, imprudently or designedly, performed the manumission of a slave in the presence of the consul. The moment he was reminded that he had trespassed on the jurisdiction of another magistrate, he condemned himself to pay a fine of ten pounds of gold, and embraced this public occasion of declaring to the world that he was subject, like the rest of his fellow-citizens, to the laws, and even to the forms, of the republic.
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