1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Elia Suleiman: "Israel, Israel, dan seluruh dunia telah dicuci otak. M...

"Israel, Israel, dan seluruh dunia telah dicuci otak. Mereka tidak memikirkan pra-1948, mereka tidak tahu Palestina ada di Israel, yang kita sebelum '48. Seolah-olah kita dilahirkan pada tahun 1948 menurut mereka. Mereka tidak memiliki gagasan bahwa kita memiliki sebuah negara, rumah, memberontak melawan Ottoman dan Inggris. Mereka pikir sejarah di wilayah itu dimulai pada saat itu."

--- Elia Suleiman

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Israel, the Israelis, and the rest of the world have been brainwashed. They don't think of pre-1948, they have no idea Palestinians were in Israel, who we were before '48. As if we were born in 1948 according to them. They have no notion that we had a country, houses, rebelled against the Ottomans and the British. They think history in that region started in that moment.