1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Elizabeth Chandler: "Nick? Nick Hurley? "Tanyaku, tertawa. Dia me...

"Nick? Nick Hurley? "Tanyaku, tertawa. Dia mengambil topinya." Kau akan menyesal mendengar aku tidak membuat wajah yang kotor seperti dulu. Sekarang aku lebih suka tersenyum pada gadis-gadis. "" Aku perhatikan, "Dia melambaikan topinya seolah-olah dia sedang berusaha mengeringkannya, mata hijaunya berbinar ke arahku, penuh kesenangan dan kesulitan seperti ketika dia masih di sekolah dasar. Aku realxed"

--- Elizabeth Chandler

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Nick? Nick Hurley?" I asked, laughing. He took back his hat. "You'll be sorry to hear I don't make gross faces as much as I used to. Now I'd rather smile at girls." "I noticed" He waved his hat around as if he was trying to dry it, his green eyes sparkling at me, as full of fun and trouble as when he was in elementary school. I realxed.