1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Erin Hunter: "[Fireheart] disela oleh pekikan dari Cloudtail. "Fi...

"[Fireheart] disela oleh pekikan dari Cloudtail. "Fireheart! Fireheart, Brightpaw belum mati!" Fireheart berputar dan berlari melintasi tempat terbuka untuk berjongkok di samping Brightpaw. Bulunya yang putih-dan-jahe, yang, dia selalu terawat rapi, runcing dengan darah mengering. Di satu sisi wajahnya bulu itu terkoyak, dan ada darah di mana matanya seharusnya. Satu telinganya telah dicabik-cabik, dan ada bekas cakar yang sangat besar di moncongnya."

--- Erin Hunter

Versi Bahasa Inggris

[Fireheart] was interrupted by a screech from Cloudtail. "Fireheart! Fireheart, Brightpaw isn't dead!" Fireheart spun around and raced across the clearing to crouch beside Brightpaw. Her white-and-ginger fur, which, she had always kept so neatly groomed, was spiky with drying blood. On one side of her face the fur was torn away, and there was blood where her eye should have been. One ear had been shredded, and there were huge claw marks scored across her muzzle.