1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Fannie Lou Hamer: "Ketika datang ke Atlantic City, kami sangat percaya...

"Ketika datang ke Atlantic City, kami sangat percaya bahwa kami benar. Sebenarnya, tepat bagi kita untuk datang menantang kursi Partai Demokrat reguler dari Mississippi. Tetapi kami tidak berpikir ketika sampai di sana bahwa kami akan bertemu orang-orang, bahwa sebenarnya para pemimpin Gerakan lainnya akan berbeda dengan apa yang kami rasa benar."

--- Fannie Lou Hamer

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In coming to Atlantic City, we believed strongly that we were right. In fact, it was just right for us to come to challenge the seating of the regular Democratic Party from Mississippi. But we didn't think when we got there that we would meet people, that actually the other leaders of the Movement would differ with what we felt was right.