1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Fernando Pessoa: "Manusia seharusnya tidak dapat melihat wajahnya send...

"Manusia seharusnya tidak dapat melihat wajahnya sendiri - tidak ada yang lebih jahat. Alam memberinya karunia untuk tidak bisa melihatnya, dan tidak bisa menatap matanya sendiri. Hanya di air sungai dan kolam dia bisa melihat wajahnya. Dan postur yang dia harus anggap simbolis. Dia harus membungkuk, membungkuk, untuk melakukan kebodohan memandang dirinya sendiri. Penemu cermin meracuni hati manusia."

--- Fernando Pessoa

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Man shouldn’t be able to see his own face – there’s nothing more sinister. Nature gave him the gift of not being able to see it, and of not being able to stare into his own eyes. Only in the water of rivers and ponds could he look at his face. And the very posture he had to assume was symbolic. He had to bend over, stoop down, to commit the ignominy of beholding himself. The inventor of the mirror poisoned the human heart.