1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Forest Whitaker: "Saya menemukan orang-orangnya sangat baik dan murah...

"Saya menemukan orang-orangnya sangat baik dan murah hati. Itu unik karena kru terutama Uganda [syuting The Last King of Scotland]. Mereka belum pernah membuat film sebelumnya. Jadi, mereka belajar proses pembuatan film, tetapi pada saat yang sama mereka juga membantu keaslian film tersebut."

--- Forest Whitaker

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I found the people to be very kind and generous. It was unique because the crew was mainly Ugandan [filming The Last King of Scotland]. They had never done a film before. So, they were learning the process of making films, but at the same time they were also helping with the authenticity of the film.