1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Freddie Highmore: "Robin Williams hebat; itu seperti mengobrol ketika...

"Robin Williams hebat; itu seperti mengobrol ketika Anda benar-benar melakukan adegan dengannya. Sangat santai di lokasi syuting kapan pun dia ada. Juga dia hanya selalu menceritakan lelucon; dia selalu aktif. Itu pasti lucu baginya karena dia harus berpikir otak semua orang berjalan jauh lebih lambat daripada otaknya. Dia bekerja lembur untuk semua ide berbeda yang muncul di kepalanya. Semua orang pasti merasa jauh di belakang!"

--- Freddie Highmore

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Robin Williams is great; it's just like having a conversation when you're doing a scene with him really. It's just so relaxed on the set whenever he's around. Also he's just always telling jokes; he's always on. It must be funny for him though because he must think everyone's brain goes so much slower than his. He's working overtime on all these different ideas that pop into his head. Everyone else must feel miles behind!