1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Frederick Busch: "Pendidikan kaum muda semakin sempit. Mereka tidak da...

"Pendidikan kaum muda semakin sempit. Mereka tidak dapat memiliki ruang lingkup yang dulu mereka miliki. Mereka diajar di sekolah menengah oleh orang-orang yang sungguh-sungguh, tetapi mungkin kurang siap daripada yang kita inginkan - tetapi bukan karena mereka bodoh atau kasar."

--- Frederick Busch

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The education of young people is narrowing. They cannot have the scope they used to have. They are being taught in high school by people earnest, still, but maybe less well-prepared than we would want them to be - but not because they are stupid or churlish.